Fouche Food City Replicator

People waiting in line for Replicated Food. (Taken from Almost Human TV Show)

3D Printing paired with nanotechnological applications are going to be the building blocks of the future.


This is considered the wild west phase of 3D printing. Largely unregulated the 3D industry was made up of hobbyists, 3Ders, modders, and small start up companies. These small start ups were making Billions! 


in the 2020s, 3D printing entered the medical industry. "Cloning" of human tissue first reported in 2014, now was a fully developed process and a new industry. However this led to body part gangs. Gangs which sold their own body parts for a fraction of the costs of everyday prices. These were mostly bought and sold by the lower class and poor citizens of every nation. These body parts were often crude and unreliable. Insurance companies did not show any sympathy to citizens who implanted these body parts into themselves. While 3D printing was still largely unregulated, the painful process of implanting these body parts was highly illegal!  

Gold Scandal of 2024

A group of politicians led by a libertarian faction in the Republican Party used 3D printing technology to print actual Gold Bars. Check out the Gold Scandal of 2024 page for a longer look! 


3D printing goes full speed ahead! Most consumer products are beginning to be made by 3D printers in this decade. They were now becomming to be known as replicators on the street and in industry due to the fast time it took to make any product imaginable, including food and grass! The process first appeared in the newly formed nation of Sahara perfected by King Abudallah's South African start up company Fouche. 


The food replicator was sold and licensed by Fouche to the majority of the countries in Africa, thus curing that continent's World Hunger overnight. They paired with Stop & Shop's Food Operating System, to allow users to download any food and/or recipe they wanted. With a $10 monthly subscription based model, it was soon considered the Netflix of Food!


Fouche continued expanding into the rest of the world and set up city wide replicators in major cities like NYC, Paris, Vatican City, Jerusalem, and San Francisco. In conjunction with the Biological Financial Network all you needed was to be a registered member of the network in order to access the Food Portal. Members of the BEN that did not register for the subscrtion had to pay $1 for each item that they picked. Most people chose the subscription. The Food Portals were a major success!


By the year 2085 most major cities and many urban/suburban towns had access to their own food portals. However, Fouche made an announcement in 2085 that they were going to release a portable in-home food portal for personal use. 
