
Mental Disorders have a prevelance rate of 78,000 per 100,000 citizens in 2067. Over 428 mental disorders have been discovered since the start of the Medical Recolution. But most are minor and pose only a small discomfort in life, meaning that in the case of the new found disorders, 65% (est) go undiagnosed and without a urgent need to be diagnosed. Thanks to education and media, mental illness is now not stigmatized to the extent it was and is know viewed by the youth to be like a physical illness in regards to normality.

Current Trends in 2067

Depression (32% of total population experiance it in their etire life) , as always is the most common mendal illness. Swiftly followed by Anxiety Disorder (38% of total population currently) and eating disorders. 

Anxiety and depression have seen a gigantic increase since the success of globalism. Social media has been blamed for such a high Anxiety disorder rate as many become paranoid about how quick people respond to them, the ammount of followers, friends and likes ect they have. 

About 7% of the total population suffers from Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2 or Cyclothymia. 55% of these suffer from Cyclothymia. 30% from Virtu-Manic disorder caused by VR simulations.

About 14% of the population (and increasing by an estimated 10% each year) suffer from Virtual reality induced illnesses such as Psychosis, Delusional disorder, Derealisation, Depersonalisation, VR syndrome, Virtu-Mania and Detached Haze Disorder.

Bio-Infrastructual Catatonia Hybernation Syndrome (BITCHS) is the name given to people who work in the Bio-Tech industry who suffer from temporary human Paralysis/Hybernation. This disorder while seeming mostly physical leaves the mind in a constant irregualr slow mental state, decreased motabalism, paranoia, decreased attention span and demention in about 67% of cases while the remaining 33% of patients feel no physical symptoms bar temporary Paralysis every few days or weeks. These patients also experiance ADD as a comorbid condition while not in paralysis, increased IQ, Increased perception and aggressive behaviour. This is a scientfic marvel and is praised as being key to Cryogenics research and Human mental Augmentation research.

Personality disorders have a prevelance rate of 20% and is often a comorbid condition to many other conditions.


In many countries it is a requirement for Physical and Mental health public spending to be balanced, many countried in Europe and Advanco-Asia have free mental health care. Free mental healthcare for minors is almost globally universal.

An entirely new approach to deal with eating disorders exists in 2067 since the treatment of such disorders was by large ineffective before the Medical revolution.
