
Special Note: Please note that this scenario is meant to be read as entertainment, not as an accurate prediction of the future. Also note that the viewpoints and opinions that may come across in this scenario are not necessarily the viewpoints and opinions of the author.

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Tickle-Me Elmo

Today there are almost no educational toy robots. Their first educational electronic devices for children were books that help children learn to read. The first robot shaped devices for children were dolls that burped and wet themselves.

Tickle Me Elmo is the best educational toy robots as of 2007. It can sing songs tell stories and laughs when touched but cant converse with children. Robots that can converse are too expensive. Robosapien is the most advanced toy robot sold in stores today but it is not educational. By 2012 toy robots could have the abilities of SDR-4X 2003. As Intelligence algorithms will continue to improve toy robots will interact with their owners in new ways and perform small tasks like fetching objects. Toy robots will become more intelligent and their educational value will also increase.

Children with educational toy robots will learn faster. Simulated holographic teachers will also help educate our children until they become mature enough for the student-led classes.
